Saccos in Kenya are ripe for disruption
The growth trajectory gained by deposit-taking Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) in 2017 was according to key financial growth parameters appealing. With total assets increasing to Ksh 442.27 billion in 2017, it reflected a growth rate of 12.4 percent from the previous year. The total loans shot to Ksh 331.2 billion reflecting a hike of 11.29 percent from 2016; while deposits grew to Ksh 305.3...
Read moreUsing Text Analytics to Analyze Customer Feedback
If your company is using open-ended survey questions in an effort to maintain a competitive edge, you may be surprised to learn there are ways that you can manage your unstructured data in such a way that it will allow your company to maximize its business value. While most everyone agrees that open-ended questions allow companies to better understand their customers’ experience, analyzing those insights,...
Read moreHow Big Data Can Benefit Your Organization
Like it or not, Big Data is here to stay. If your business isn’t taking advantage of it, you’re missing out on lucrative growth opportunities. If you don’t know what Big Data is, well, maybe we should start there. Big Data defined If you were to combine all the tools and processes that are related to managing and utilizing your data sets, that combo would...
Read moreHow Data Automation Will Impact the Insurance Industry
Data automation is having a big impact across all industries. Manufacturers are using Big Data to help improve their yields, the pharmaceutical industry is using big data to increase productivity and businesses are using data automation to help with things such as automated ordering and client analytics. It shouldn’t be at all surprising that the insurance industry stands to benefit from data automation, as well....
The implementation of Business Intelligence by a company is one that is exciting and difficult. It must be approached with utmost care and given the highest possible consideration. A lot can go wrong but to understand BI implementation here are the steps taken to integrate a BI system, which may vary depending on the needs of the clients, but the main parameters that are common...
Read moreData Storytelling
Story telling with data is how to communicate effectively with data using data visualization. In most cases, organizations recognize that being a successful, data-driven company requires skilled developers and analysts. Data is always remembered only when presented in the right way; slides, spreadsheet or graphs may not be the right way but a story is always the right way. Story Telling Entails: Understanding the importance...
The disciplines of big data and analytics are evolving so quickly that businesses should invest in them. Business Intelligence is expected to perform well operationally, meet governance standards, and fulfill promises of business value to the company. These trends have driven the migration of companies into big data and analytics and also brought changes to the analytics industry itself. Below are 8 trends observed in...
The most important asset to ensure survival and success in today’s marketplace is data. Business Intelligence converts this raw data into actionable information. The internet, deregulation, increased competition, consolidation and convergence of insurance services with other financial services have changed the structure of the insurance industry. This has greatly increased the need to implement business intelligence tools within insurance companies. BI refers to collecting, analyzing,...
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