
Technical Assessment Details

Rapid SWOT Assessment

Pathways International offers businesses a comprehensive and FREE Technology Assessment. Get expert insight into your technology with a true industry leader. Wanting to make technology work for your company and not sure where to start? Well, we can help schedule your assessment today.

Step 1


Review Business Vision, Strategy, Organization & KPI's

Step 2

Group Meeting

Group Meeting With Key Stakeholders & Management

Step 3


Explore Organizational Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats

Step 4

Results Review

In Depth Review & Discussion of Findings & Solutions Roadmap

SWOT Assessment Highlights


  • Shared Executive Vision
  • Global Transformation Initiated
  • Universal Awareness of Data Pain
  • Dedicated Staff Who Want to Succeed


  • Improved Customer Experience
  • Faster More Profitable M&A/ Divestiture
  • Higher Service-Line Efficiency & Value
  • Reduced Brand Risk


  • Massive Data Confusion & Delay
  • Desperate Business Process & Apps
  • Antiquated Hardware
  • Losing Subject Matter Experts
  • Traditionally Risk-Averse Culture
  • Unavoidable Disruption of Transformation  


  • Competitors Exploiting <X> ‘s Data Weakness
  • Changes in Global Data-Policy Regulations
  • State of AI & Analytics Technologies Require Substantial Learning Curve to Differentiate in the Market